Dear Lady,
My message is simple today: walk worthy, walk in with confidence because you are worthy of being in that room. As we continue in the year, this message serves to remind us that we are still taking up space in confidence and understanding. You are backed up by the Most High, full of faith, and fully prepared.
My dear ladies, I might not know what goals you have for the year, but I believe the ladies I have the privilege to connect with on this platform are resilient, forever moving, and achieving the next goal. I believe that your dreams are huge, and sometimes they look unattainable and scary. But you know what? That is the very dream that God has placed in your heart. In achieving that goal, you will need to take steps into new, unfamiliar territories. You may need to stretch yourself a little bit. It might sometimes feel overwhelming, and sometimes lonely, as you climb. But remember the saying: "Nothing great ever happens in your comfort zone."
I generally love the book of Esther and have found myself applying it a lot in different situations in my life. Today, as we talk about being worthy of being in that room, I will refer to a scenario in the book of Esther.
Esther 5:1-9 ERV
On the third day, Esther put on her special robes. Then she stood in the inside area of the king’s palace, in front of the king’s hall. The king was sitting on his throne in the hall, facing the place where people enter the throne room. When the king saw Queen Esther standing in the court, he was very pleased. He held out to her the gold scepter that was in his hand. So Esther went into the room and went near the king. Then she touched the end of the king’s gold scepter.
I love how the book of Esther was written, with no direct reference to God, but every scripture carries the strong presence of God. Before we draw a few nuggets from this passage, let us talk about the term "worthy," which forms part of our tagline: "You are worthy, you are enough, and you are deserving." Worthy is the reflection of the qualities that you deserve a certain item—in this case, "your next open door to that blessing." My dear ladies, qualities are a 'measure' of standard, and hence some of these qualities require continuous work so that you may be proven of value and qualified for the next open door. In the book of Esther, the Bible reflects a story that shows us a woman who had to walk into a room that had intensely governed rules for one to have access. The only way that Esther was to qualify and have longevity in that room was if the king was pleased with her and reflected that by lowering his scepter on her. My dear lady, here are a few nuggets that I picked up from the book of Esther that helped her find favor with the king and be found worthy:
1. Preparation is Key
The moment Esther entertained the idea of stepping into that room, she acknowledged that she would need God to find favor. She prepared herself and also asked others to help her in that preparation. In my early Christian walk, I learned the statement: "Preparation is never wasted time." It is important to have one or a few people in your corner to help you on your journey. These people might be spiritual parents, mentors, purpose partners, associates, or simply people in the same industry as you. They will help you with that journey, and the key is to know who is for you and make sure you have people who are in the same spirit as you.
2. Recognition of Authority
I laugh at how sometimes, as Christians, we overlook certain recognisable authority in place. In the name of faith, we act foolishly, and when we do not attain what we were believing God for, we question God. Esther walked in with the understanding that there were rules already in place. She wasn’t ignorant of that, and hence before she walked in, she acknowledged, "If I perish, I perish." She submitted herself under that authority and at the same time exalted the God who can do anything. My dear lady, before you walk into that room, you need to recognise the rules that govern that next opportunity (take that test, get that degree) and work towards it. Even as we apply faith, remember we are also people of wisdom, "which is the quality of having experience, knowledge, and good judgment."
3. Believe in the Dream God Entrusted You With
Sometimes the goal looks unattainable, maybe due to background, education, or accessibility to resources. If God has steered within you a desire to pursue a certain goal, He will make sure He sends provision your way too. Sometimes it's so big, and it looks impossible. I am certain that even if you told people, they might call you a dreamer or laugh at you. But let me tell you something: if you do not believe in and work on that dream yourself, it will surely die. But if you believe it is God-inspired and you work on it, rest assured you will see Him work through you. Sometimes attaining that goal may seem harder due to some standards of expectation.
The book of Samuel talks about how God instructed Samuel to go into the house of Jesse and anoint the next king. As soon as he walks in, he sees the brothers of David and says, "This must certainly be the one to anoint," because he had looked at the outside countenance and confirmed with his physical eyes based on the standard of expectation. The Lord says, "No, he is not," and when David walks in, the Word of God says he was ruddy. I must assume he was very tiny, and since he had been taking care of the sheep, he must have looked a little dirty or unkempt. But God confirms him, and Samuel gets up to anoint him as God had instructed.
Now, my dear lady, the reality is that when you are busy building towards your destiny, sometimes the foundational stages of building the future you desire might look like a pretty mess. It might not be a pretty phase in your life, especially considering we live in an era that expects things to be "Insta-perfect." I need to remind you that you are still worthy and deserving to step out and become the next king, the next CEO, the next top executive—despite your background, despite your upbringing. It doesn't matter what people's opinions are of you. Tending the sheep (preparation) is what will get you there. You may be anointed as a ruddy-looking David, but God will prepare you to stand before kings. The Word of God says, "Do not despise the day of humble beginnings," and it also says, "He who is faithful with little, God will bless with more."
The question I leave you with now is: Are you faithful with where you are right now? Your graduation to the next level is determined by where you are and how you are preparing yourself for the next level. Never forget that as you pursue the next thing, it is indeed in pursuit of your purpose, and you are running the race that God has entrusted you with as an individual. Nothing is as sad as finding out years down the line that you’ve been trying to knock on a door that deep down wasn’t even the desire planted within you, simply because you were in competition with someone who was unapologetically living her life.
Let the next six months of this year be the best for you. May doors open for you, and may you step in boldly, claim them, and take up space.
Much love,
Lady Fortunate.